Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Restore Your Confidence with a Smile 

Missing teeth can significantly impact your daily life. Swindon Dental & Implant Clinic offers dental implants as a natural-looking and long-lasting solution. Our experienced team, led by Dr. Patel, is dedicated to guiding you through the implant journey.


What Are Dental Implants?

Implants are tiny titanium posts placed in your mouth to act as artificial tooth roots. Over time, they fuse with your jawbone to form a strong foundation for a replacement tooth/teeth.

Why have your Implant Treatment with Pratik Patel?

  • Extensive Expertise: Dr Patel is a highly skilled and experienced implant dentist, a clinical mentor and trainer for other dentists learning to place implants and an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Bristol University.
  • Personalised Care & Comfort: Dr Patel understands that having implant treatment can be a daunting experience. His calm and comforting nature puts patients at ease and where needed offers dental sedation for longer treatment. He takes pride in explaining treatment options clearly and works closely with you to create a personalised plan that addresses your specific needs.
  • Precision & Predictable Results: Dr Patel uses the latest technology at Swindon Dental & Implant Clinic to ensure precise implant placement for optimal results and long-term success.

With Dr Patel’s expertise, dedication, and commitment to patient comfort, you can be confident in achieving a beautiful and functional smile at Swindon Dental and Implant Clinic.

What to expect after booking a consultation

Dental implants offer a transformative solution, whether you’re missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or have lost all your teeth. The treatment process is straightforward and includes:

  1. Free Consultation (Optional): Discuss your options with Dr Patel in a relaxed environment and answer any preliminary questions
  2. Comprehensive Assessment (£129): Includes a comprehensive new patient examination, 2D x-rays with HD photography where required and an implant site assessment
  3. Personalised Treatment Plan: Dr Patel will review your assessment findings to create a bespoke treatment plan outlining the procedure and total costs for your consideration.
  4. Implant Treatment: Dr Patel will complete your dental implant treatment to exacting standards while prioritising your comfort. We exclusively place Straumann Dental implants, Swiss implants recognised globally for their exceptional quality, reliability, and long-lasting success rates.
  5. Aftercare and Maintenance: We provide detailed aftercare instructions and schedule regular check-ups to ensure the longevity of your work. This usually includes at least an annual review with Dr Patel.


There is no upper age limit to placing dental implants. In many cases, where there isn’t sufficient bone, grafting procedures can be done to allow treatment. There are very few times implants are not advisable and Dr Patel will discuss these with you if they apply in your case.

In short, No! We prioritise your comfort with local anaesthesia and can also offer sedation options if you require them. Whilst you may experience some mild discomfort afterward, this is usually manageable with medication normally taken for a headache.
The treatment time can vary between patients but typically takes 10-12 weeks. You will be provided with a personalised plan following your comprehensive assessment with Dr Patel.
With proper care and maintenance, the vast majority of implants will last well over 10 years.
To ensure the best treatment outcomes, it is critical to ensure we start with a healthy and stable gum and tooth condition. We call this the ‘stabilisation’ phase of treatment, and this ensures optimal outcomes for your work. If any additional steps are needed, such as rebuilding the bone as part of your treatment, this will always be clear in your bespoke treatment plan.

Ready to take the first step? Schedule your free implant consultation today!

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